Networks and Collaborations
U. V. Waghmare (N.C.A.S.R.)
The N.C.A.S.R. is one of the world’s leading centers for research on 2D materials and their applications
- U. V. Waghmare - Collaborator (Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India): Smart materials, Nanostructures, Molecular systems
- Bansil - Feng-Chuan Chuang and Zhi-Quan Huang (National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan), Wan-Sheng Su (National Center for High-Performance Computing, Hsinchu, Taiwan), Vidvuds Ozolins (University of California, Los Angeles, USA): Ultrathin films of elements and their alloys.
- Bansil - Hsin Lin (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Zahid Hasan (Princeton University, USA), Madhab Neupane (University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA): Exotic topological phases of quantum matter including 2D materials.
- Bansil - Dennis Drew (University of Maryland, USA): Optical properties of Dirac materials, including 2D states.
- Bansil - Jouko Nieminen (Tampere University of Technology, Finland): Scanning tunneling spectroscopy modeling of thin film materials.
- Bansil - Tay-Rong Chang and Hong-Tay Jeng (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan): Ultrathin TMD films.
- Bansil - Gengchiau Liang and Mansoor Bin Abdul Jalil (National University of Singapore): Transport modeling of ultrathin films
- Bansil - Don Heiman and Laura Lewis (Northeastern University, Boston, USA), Brian J. Kirby (NIST, Maryland, USA): Thin films of Heusler alloys.
- Bansil - Matti Lindroos (Tampere University of Technology, Finland): Modeling angle-resolved photoemission from thin films.
- Bansil - Stephan Eijt (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands): Quantum dot and layered systems and positron annihilation spectroscopy.
- Bansil - Sanjeev Mukerjee (Northeastern University, Boston, USA): Catalytic properties of layered materials (mainly electro-catalysis).
- Bansil - Nathan Guisinger (Argonne National Lab, USA), Xingjiang Zhou (IOP, Beijing, China): Silicene thin films.
- Bansil - Swastik Kar (Northeastern University, Boston, USA): Optical properties of TMD thin films with overlayers.
- Sun, Perdew - Gerd Ceder of the CNGMD EFRC and his group (UC Berkeley): used SCAN and other density functionals to compute the ground-state crystal structures of solids
- Perdew, Sun - Umesh Waghmare and his student Arpita Paul (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India): used SCAN and other density functionals to compute the properties of ferroelectric materials, including their ferroelectric transition temperatures
- Sun - G.M. Stocks of the CDP EFRC
- Sun- D. Dixon of the GT EFRC
- Klein - CNR Rao and Umesh Waghmare at JNCASR in Bangalore, India: the study of borocarbonitrides (BxCyNz) for water splitting.
- Yan - Kai Liu (Tsinghua University, China): Strain effects on 2D materials.
- Yan - Bing Huang (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China): topological 2D materials.
- Iavarone-Saw-Hla (center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory): Bending MoS2
- Iavarone- Jouko Nieminen (Tampere University, Finland): Theoretical Modeling of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy data
- Srolovitz - A.T.C. Johnson (University of Pennsylvania): Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Monolayer TMD In-Plane Heterostructures.
- Srolovitz - Jiwoong Park (University of Chicago): Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Monolayer TMD Defect Properties.
- Borguet - Lazlo Frazer (University of New South Wales, Australia): data analysis, preparation and revisions of publications)
- Borguet – Lorenne Vernisse (University of Poitiers, France): data analysis, preparation and revisions of publications
- Strongin - Everet Elzinga (Rutgers - Newark): X-ray absorption spectroscopy collaboration.
- Strongin - Qing Kang (School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, China): reactivity of birnessite as a catalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction.
- Strongin - Yury Gogotsi (Drexel University): MXenes as a catalyst for carbon dioxide reduction.
- Yang -Thomas Frauenheim (Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, Universitat Bremen, Am Fallturm, 28359 Bremen,Germany): Charge transfer excitations from particle-particle random phase approximation. Frauenheim group implemented the pp-RPA in SCC-DFTB.
- Yang -Jie Liu (Duke University) and Henry O. Everitt (Army Aviation & Missile RD&E Center, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama): Product selectivity in plasmonic photocatalysis for carbon dioxide hydrogenation. Liu and Everitt performed the experimental studies, while the Yang group performed computational studies.