
Arun Bansil


Northeastern University
Department of Physics
Dana Research Center 111
100 Forsyth Street
Boston, MA 02115

Phone: (617) 373-2923


"Arun Bansil received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1974 and joined the physics faculty at Northeastern University (NU) in 1976. Currently, he is serving on a two-year appointment at the US Department of Energy managing the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics program. In 1994 he was appointed the US editor of the Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. In 2002, he was also appointed a professor in the School of Education at NU in recognition of his educational/outreach contributions. He is an honorary professor in Solid State Theory at Tampere University of Technology in Finland, a guest senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a scientific consultant at the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, and a resident associate at Argonne National Laboratory. He was awarded the 2002 Robert D. Klein Lectureship at NU for his scholarly accomplishments. His research has focused on the electronic structure and spectroscopy of complex ordered and disordered systems, including novel superconductors, manganites, and topological insulators. He has developed theoretical methodology for realistic modeling of various highly resolved spectroscopies such as angle-resolved photoemission, scanning tunneling spectroscopy, inelastic light scattering, and positron-annihilation in wide classes of materials." -

Research Interests
Questions concerning the electronic structure and spectroscopy of high-Tc superconductors, topological insulators, nanosystems, and other complex materials. 

Honors & Awards

  • ISI Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers-2017 award, based on a stringent criteria involving number of papers published in the top 1% of the field during the last 11 years.
  • Google Scholar citations (4/3/18): 23,000; H-factor: 66; citations in calendar 2017: 4,126.
  • University Distinguished Professor Award, Northeastern University, 2014. This is the highest award that the university can bestow on a faculty member.
  • 38th Annual Robert D. Klein Univ. Lectureship, at NU, 2002 for scholarly accomplishments.
  • Appointed Series Editor, ‘Materials Physics’ Book Series, Elsevier Science, Oxford, (2005- ).
  • Appointed Editor-in-Chief, Handbook of Topological Materials, a Major Reference Work,
    Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (2014- ).
  • Affiliated Faculty, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs. (LBNL) (2003-); Coordinator of worldwide project: “Fermiology of High-Tc Superconductors via High-resolution Synchrotron Compton Scattering Spectroscopy,” a project of the Inter. Union of Crystal. (1993- ). Resident Associate, Argonne National Lab (1991- 2008); Honorary Prof. (Docent) in Solid State Theory at Tampere Univ. of Tech. (1989-); Scientific Consultant, Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, Netherlands (1987- 2004).

5 most relevant publication

  1. A. Bansil, H. Lin, T. Das: “Topological Band Theory,” Reviews of Modern Physics 88, 021004 (2016)
  2. G. Chang, S-Y. Xu, D. S. Sanchez, S.-M. Huang, C.-C. Lee, T-R Chang, G. Bian, H. Zheng, I. Belopolski, N. Alidoust, H-T. Jeng, A. Bansil, H. Lin and M. Z. Hasan: “A strongly robust type II Weyl fermion semimetal state in Ta3S2,” Science Advances 2, e1600295 (2016)
  3. M. Neupane, N. Alidoust, M. M. Hosen, J-X. Zhu, K. Dimitri, S-Y. Xu, N. Dhakal, R. Sankar, I. Belopolski, D. S. Sanchez, T-R. Chang, H-T. Jeng, K. Miyamoto, T. Okuda, H. Lin, A. Bansil, D. Kaczorowski, F. Chou, M. Z. Hasan, T. Durakiewicz: “Observation of spin-polarized surface state in a noncentrosymmetric superconductor BiPd,” Nature Communications 7, 13315 (2016)
  4. Y. Feng, D. Liu, B. Feng, X. Liu, L. Zhao, Z. Xie, Y. Liu, A. Liang, C. Hu, Y. Hu, S. He, G. Liu, J. Zhang, C. Chen, Z. Xu, L. Chen, K. Wu, Y-T. Liu, H. Lin, Z-Q. Huang, C.-H. Hsu, F-C. Chuang, A. Bansil, X. J. Zhou: “Direct Evidence of Interaction-Induced Dirac Cones in Monolayer Silicene/Ag(111),” Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 113, 1180 (2016)
  5. Tay-Rong Chang, Su-Yang Xu, Guoqing Chang, Chi-Cheng Lee, Shin-Ming Huang, BaoKai Wang, Guang Bian, Hao Zheng, Daniel S. Sanchez, Ilya Belopolski, Nasser Alidoust, Madhab Neupane, Arun Bansil, Horng-Tay Jeng, Hsin Lin and M. Zahid Hasan: “Prediction of an arc-tunable Weyl Fermion metallic state in MoxW1−xTe2,” Nature Communications 7, 10639 (2016)